
INSTALLATION – Once off R999
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Zoom Fibre Is a Fibre network operator. We roll-out a Fibre-to-the-Home network into selected suburbs. Our network is Open Access which means you select your choice of Service Provider. Zoom Fibre looks after the physical Fibre Optic network installed in your area.
Zoom Fibre Fibre-to-the-Home refers to a dedicated fibre optic network installed into the ground, or via overhead cables. Fibre optics is made from glass which allows data to travel at the speed of light.
Fibre is widely considered to be the most effective and reliable medium of delivering internet to anyone. A fibre network has the capacity to handle extremely large quantities of data which means you get a reliable, stable internet connection that won’t let you down when you need it most.
It is our team’s vision to develop, own and operate open access, high-end, last mile fibre by deploying an infrastructure investment methodology that will deliver long term fibre optic networks for the economic and social benefit of the communities in which fibre is deployed.
We plan on deploying fibre across Southern Africa, where the local communities have signalled an interest in fibre for the community. The contractors responsible for the laying of our fibre cables have been carefully selected to ensure on-time results and to minimise the inconvenience caused to residents and businesses in these areas.
For the next part of the process, which is enabling home and business owners to utilise the fast-speed fibre that have been installed in their area, we have identified ISP’s across the country whom we trust with our product. They have been carefully chosen, offering our customers the combination of both excellent service, with a product offering that would suit most business and home owners’ modern internet requirements.
Unthrottled – Uncapped Fibre Packages – Line included
INSTALLATION – Once off R999