In South Africa there are over 60 ISP’s and it can be a daunting task of choosing an ISP.
In this day and age, everybody needs an internet connection since nothing really happens without the internet. From entertainment to shopping, work and communication; the internet glues everything together. It has become a necessity in today’s time and has integrated itself into our daily lives.
An internet service provider is a link between you and the internet. Without a good ISP, the internet experience is underwhelming and can frustrate anyone. We all have experienced video buffering and file downloads that take ages. For anyone who wants a superior uninterrupted internet, it is essential to consider certain parameters before choosing an ISP.

Service and Support
Having an excellent technical support line will ease all your worries related to your internet connection. Proactive service staff is a must when choosing an ISP as it will be of immense importance in case of any downtime, especially in the middle of an important task. We provide email ticketing reference system as well as a whatsapp support system manned by people… no bots here…. As well as telephonic support. Our preferred way is via whatsapp as it gives the opportunity to help by seeing what the client is seeing with pictures etc. We get pictures of the fibre box which allows us to log the fault correctly with the Fibre Network Operators. We help you as quickly as possible as we want you online 24/7

An internet service provider must be consistent with its services and should have minimal downtime. There’s no point in getting an internet connection if it’s not consistent and keeps disconnecting. Internet connection must be reliable, and you don’t want to be stuck with a service that doesn’t work when you need it the most. Also, the speed and latency shouldn’t fluctuate. It should be consistent throughout the day doesnt matter if you use it at 5am or 5pm.

Speed and Technology
An incredible internet service provider will offer super-fast speeds. You will come across many ISPs that promise hi-speed with a subtle ‘up to’ clause. The speed that is promised seldom reaches the end user. Any internet service provider worth their salt will provide the advertised speed without any clause. The speed of an internet connection depends on the technology the ISP is using as well as the infrastructure of the Fibre Network Operator. We at Intense Fibre, use the most advanced fiber technology to deliver internet services to your home or office. So, if you are looking for reliable Intense Services, look no further than Intense Fibre
Another thing to highlight here is symmetrical speeds. We believe in a world of equality and our internet speed cannot be any different. Unfortunately the symmetrical speeds in SA are through the Fibre network operator and their choices they make.

In a country that’s driven by value, cost is something we all closely relate with. The kind of internet service a customer is getting should be justified by its price completely. We at Intense Fibre strongly believe in delivering value through our internet plans through the various Fibre Network Operators available in your area. Intense Fibre is not the cheapest nor the most expensive. We pride ourselves in offering internet, speeds at a price bracket that one can afford and yet still gives you a product that is reliable with support and service to back it.

Fibre Network Operators
South Africa has many Fibre network Operators. Vumatel, Metrofibre, Openserve, Evotel, Seacom, Octotel, Frogfoot, just to mention a few! They all have different speeds available across their services and cover certain areas throughout SA. Most of them offer Fibre to the Home and Fibre to the Office fibre services.
Click here to experience the Incredible internet services by Intense Fibre in SA!