Is your computer less than a year old and already you noticed it is simply not running as fast as it used to? Do you like to download lots of free music, games, and movies from the Internet? You cannot understand how your blazing fast computer has become so sluggish in just one year. Most likely, what you have on your computer is called spyware. Spyware attaches itself to many of the programs that you download from the Internet and its purpose is to track your every move when you are online.
Spyware is actually software attached to all those downloads you have made and is now creating the sluggishness you feel on your computer. Unfortunately, most people are not aware that the more they download programs that are attached with spyware, the more they are also installing more and more spyware. In order for the spyware to run, it has to use your computer’s resources just like any other program you run. Therefore, if you have 100 pieces of spyware on your computer, that is100 programs that are using your resources to run, which will significantly slow down your computer and it will begin affecting your Internet’s speed as well.
In addition, if you manage to get some adware attached in any of those programs, those can cause pop up ads that continuously bug you to click on various ads every time you try to visit a website. With spyware, your information about your activity is transmitted via your Internet connection to whoever the company is that programmed the spyware. Imagine if you have 100 spyware programs all trying to transmit data to different programmers, this is what will slow your connection.
Which brings us to antispyware and spyware removal software because both are necessary and definitely needed in order to keep your computer running at top speed? The first step is to find a couple useful free spyware removers, be sure to do some research on the best programs available because you want the best to really dig in and get the spyware out. Having multiple spyware removers is useful because many times it takes more than one to get rid of everything on your computer.
You will also want to do some research on spyware blockers so that you can find the best one to suit your needs. Obviously, if you download many programs from the Internet, you need a very strong spyware blocker. This will help you to keep your computer safe form spyware downloading on your computer. We recommend NOD32 which You can get through Intense Broadband.
Moreover, you will want to run the spyware removers at least once each week and delete everything they find. Even with the best of the spyware blockers, some spyware will still get through, it seems that the spyware is very clever and faster at being produced than the updates on the spyware blockers.
You cannot totally rely on the blockers or removers though; you must be very vigilant about your downloading habits when online. In other words, only download trusted software and be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true, such as a totally free movie or music download. You best bet in the protection against spyware is not to get it in the first place. Because once you do, then you have to remove, if your spyware blockers happen to not catch it.
Anti Virus
All computer users are susceptible to being infected by viruses and spyware. It is a known fact that about 90% of all computers used to connect to the Internet have spyware infection. These things can be harmful to a system because they can:
o Expose your personal data and online accounts
o Open your system to identity theft
o Share usernames and passwords
o Cause damage to your hard drive
Because of these issues caused by spyware, we have gathered a list of the most important reasons why one should have anti-spyware protection on their systems. Read on and learn more about this below:
No browser or Operating System is 100% safe and secure. You may start reading about this by visiting forums or sites that discusses online security. From there, you will learn that every single day, people from all over the world submit reports about security holes.
Always be careful when downloading freeware. Normally, people would grab the opportunity to download stuff online for free. Do you know what is the catch? The freeware may be free to a user, but it does not guarantee that it is free from spyware.
We recommend NOD32 Smart Security which will take care of your system.
As a final point, we recommend that you install a good anti-spyware program to eliminate problems with your system in the future.